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  • Changzhou Ruihao Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

    Committed to industrial bactericides, preservatives and...

    Our products are being used in the antisepsis and sterilization field of water
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    Product name CAS NO. Molecular weight Details
    Specification of OIT 45% 26530-20-1 213.33 more>
    Specification of OIT 99% 26530-20-1 213.33 more>
    CMIT/MIT 1.5% 26172-55-4/2682-20-4 149.59/115.14 more>
    2,2-Dibromo-3-nitrilo-propionamide 20% 10222-01-2 242 more>
    MIT 50% 2682-20-4 115.14 more>
    DCOIT 64359-81-5 282.2274 more>
    2,2-Dibromo-3-nitrilo-propionamide 10222-01-2 242 more>
    CMIT/MIT 14% 26172-55-4/2682-20-4 149.59/115.14 more>
    CMIT/MIT 12% PG Solvent Based 26172-55-4/2682-20-4 149.59/115.14 more>
    METHYLENE BIS THIOCYANATE (MBT/MTC) 6317-18-6 130 more>
    METHYLENE BIS THIOCYANATE (MBT/MTC) TCMTB 21564-17-0 238.35 more>
    Methylene dithiocyanate 6317-18-6 130.1914 more>
    12 Records

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