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  • Changzhou Ruihao Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

    Committed to industrial bactericides, preservatives and...

    Our products are being used in the antisepsis and sterilization field of water
    treatment, paint, leather and wood.

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    Common Name: DBNPA Biocide
    Chemical Name: 2,2-Dibromo-3-nitrilo-propionamide
    CAS NO.: 10222-01-2
    Physical Form: White to Off-White Powder
    Molecular Formula: C3H2ON2Br2
    Molecular weight: 242
    Structural formula:

    Incoming Inspection (Plant) Specifications:
    1. Assay as % DBNPA: 99.0% min.
    Second Level Specifications:
    2. Appearance: White to Off-White Powder
    3. Particle Size: 99% greater than 50 micron
    Typical: greater than 90% 200-600 microns
    Physical Speicification:
    Assay: 99%
    Melting Point: 124-126℃
    Moisture: ≤ 0.3%
    PH: 4-6.5
    APPLICATIONS: It is used as anti-microbial agent, controlling bacterial, fungal and algal growth in industrial water systems like cooling towers, pulp and paper mill process water, oil-recovery systems and air-conditioning systems.


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      Copyright(C)2018, Changzhou Ruihao Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved. Supported by ChemNet ChinaChemNet Toocle Copyright Notice 備案序號:蘇ICP備05042830號

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